Friday, 15 April 2011
Coursework evaluation
Sometimes after loading, it comes up with a message saying, 'slide not found'. If this is the case, click the screen a couple of times and the presentation should appear.
Link to fullscreen presentation:!108&filename=Presentation1.pptx&wx=p&wa=p&wv=s&
Friday, 1 April 2011
Final Music Magazine DPS

I made a few alterations to my DPS after peer evaluation and Ms Bostock's advice. I changed the quote back to red. The red is more aesthetically pleasing and makes reference to the large red L, which is appropriate because they are both directly associated with Leon Pawson. I changed it to blue efore because I wanted consistency in colour scheme with the front cover and conents page, which make use of red, blue and yellow. I instead changed his name in the heading to blue. This looks far more aesthetically pleasing, and also makes larger use of the colour. I increased the size of the letters 'L' and 'P' in the heading, also. In the bottom left corner of the right page, I included the magazine name, as this follows codes and conventions. In the last sentence of the article, I changed the wording from, 'questions asked by', to 'words and portrait by', which follows codes and conventions better.
Final Music Magazine Contents Page
Final Music Magazine Front Cover

Results from peer evaluation...
In class we split into groups of 1 and 2. One group sat at the same computer whilst the other group rotated round every 10 minutes or so. Each pair would evaluate each other's Front cover, Contents page, and DPS. These are the reccuring results I got... Front Cover: It does look like a front cover. The target audience is 30 - 50, male, interested in older Rock music. A strong central dominant image. A strong colour scheme. A strong Masthead and Strapline. Strong Composition. An appropriate mode of address. Could do with more text. Perhaps in need of more text. In need of improved text placement. Text in need of rearranging. It is obvious I need to make changes to the text. Contents Page: It does look like a contents page. The target audience is 30 - 50, male, interested in older Rock music. Strong colour scheme. Strong composition. Appropriate mode of address. A strong photo. Good relation between contents and front cover. Some text could do with with being moved slightly. It is obvious I need to make alterations to the text. DPS: My strongest of the three. It does look like a DPS. The target audience is 30 - 50, male, interested in older Rock music. Good use of caption, quote, colour scheme and composition. Appropriate mode of address. Good relation to front cover and contents page. The large L is a strong point. A strong photo. The quote looks better in red, as opposed to blue. It is obvious I need to change the quote back to red. My weak point for all three was always something to do with text, which is fortunately quite easy to rectify.
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