I made a few alterations to my DPS after peer evaluation and Ms Bostock's advice. I changed the quote back to red. The red is more aesthetically pleasing and makes reference to the large red L, which is appropriate because they are both directly associated with Leon Pawson. I changed it to blue efore because I wanted consistency in colour scheme with the front cover and conents page, which make use of red, blue and yellow. I instead changed his name in the heading to blue. This looks far more aesthetically pleasing, and also makes larger use of the colour. I increased the size of the letters 'L' and 'P' in the heading, also. In the bottom left corner of the right page, I included the magazine name, as this follows codes and conventions. In the last sentence of the article, I changed the wording from, 'questions asked by', to 'words and portrait by', which follows codes and conventions better.
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